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(1 edit)


Hi, am just started playing ? "level 2" ? when game pauses.. am not able to unpause using spacebar as shown in default bindings. hoping i attached correct file. Thanks, Adam.

Hrm. Haven't been able to replicate this. Do you know exactly when it happened? Was there a tutorial goal on-screen? Sorry about this.

(1 edit) (+1)


1. I really like the soundtrack so far, music is important part of any game.

2. Buuugs! As Starship trooper fan I approve this greatly.

3. Ability to remap keys, really I just want rotation under R.

4. Option to disable camera snap, losing control over my camera in middle of building something is  really annoying.

There are still some bugs left so get your flamethrowers guys and good luck!

Thanks for playing, glad you're having a good time!

Key-remapping will happen eventually. As for camera snap, that only happens in the tutorials - but we could probably have it be optional too.

Couple of small gripes about the game.

1. With the minimap, the fuzzy red marking that indicates enemies are coming from that direction frankly isn't clear enough to draw your attention, if it had a more vibrant red and a solid shape like a line or arrow it'd serve its purpose better.

2. While I doubt anything will be done about this, suicide bomber enemies have never added to gameplay in my opinion. They also don't seem to have a clear counter in this as turrets just don't do anything to them and its a struggle to get mortars or missile launchers going since trucks go at their own pace.

Thanks for the feedback! We're not about to remove the exploders, but we are looking at how to balance them better.

This is impressively well done, not a lot to complain about. Please add a random level generator :)

(3 edits)

Hi, these are some bugs and suggestions that I found during playing the game. Hope this help:

1. Quick save: since later stages (especially 6 waves mission) can take more than 2 hours, it's a good idea to add some kind of save features. If you don't want player to be able to reload game (in case of screws up), then just delete the save after loading.

2. I've wrote this before, but during sandstorm, all turrets are knocked-out despite having tons of both electricity an stored power. Also, when the batteries inside turrets run out, they're also knocked out despite clear weather and having tons of electricity (and stored power) available.

3. Truck priority. AI's truck could have some tweak, or perhaps you can add some priority options (on the garage or truck). I have tons of trucks and roads, should be more than enough to keep entire economy going. But despite that, the truck keeps delivering ores and food, which is good, but they neglect the fertilizer plants (they keep it empty for too long time) even after crossing the plant multiple times with empty cargo (the waste plant and fertilizer plant is very close each other and can be traveled in one go).

You can add options so a certain truck is dedicated to certain facilities.

4. Keyboard shortcut. Like R for road placement, C for community center, etc. This is important during wave since we can't pause and we need to be fast.

5. Ability to undo last action. So when I accidentally place something in wrong place, or bulldoze wrong building, I can instantly correct my mistake.

Thanks for playing and providing feedback!

1. This is something we want to do, but it's a big technical challenge so we haven't started on it yet.

2. This is a known bug and will be fixed in the next version.

3. We're working on making the trucks smarter, but don't really want to add any micro-managing on the player's side. Trucks will also be able to collect from waste dumps in the next version.

4. We used to have this for roads and pylons, but took it out for some reason. We have too many buildings to give each one a key though. Not sure what the solution should be.

5. I'll think some more about this. Might be worth doing if I can find an easy way to implement it. Might also make less sense once buildings take some time to construct and deconstruct.

Hey! I know you probably get asked this a lot, but any ETA on the new update? :) It's just that I'm excited to play more! :)

We're hoping for end of November, but we've got a lot to do around that time so no promises!

(1 edit)

The truck problem is not just on waste dump/fertilizer plant... Sometimes they just neglect some plants, especially on isolated place (like out of place ore mines)... but sometimes near plants can also be neglected. I have several times ore mines hit maximum capacity... and I always have lots of trucks and roads.

The priority options isn't mandatory, so it's not adding much micromanaging for the player. Actually one truck for one building is more than enough, but since we can't dedicate trucks to a particular building, one truck one building is suddenly not enough.

Hello Robbie !

Just a quick not to help you find a solution for 4). Have you played Age Of Empires 2 ? there is many buildings in this old gem, more than a keyboard could handle, so what they do is they split buildings by category so that you press 1 key to select a category then another to select building within selected category. I believe it would fit nicely in your game since you already have categories as well :)

I've certainly played a loooot of AoE 2 :P

Worth considering something like that. We're gonna overhaul the tool panel at some point, so we'll see what that looks like first.

I can't play for some reaso

Hey so i enjoy your game the only thing i ask is for a mode kinda like a survival mode that would be cool and would make it so people who do not wanna do missions and just wanna survive can. ~Whiterun Guard 

ps:good game keep it up ill most likely pay for the game once it at its final  stage.

Cannot finish second map, game keep asking me to build a waste dump while I already built 3 dumps

(1 edit)

you need to build it under the flag sacto, where the flag pole ends.


Love the game looking forward to the finished product however i have been only able to play very little of it as it either crashes before it is able to run or crashes very quickly into the game looks like a Unity crash but i am not teck savy enough to know much more or sort it out, but well done anyway.


Sorry about the crashes! If you post your logfile here I can see if I can help. ( works well for this)

Mac: ~/Library/Logs/Free Lives/Second Earth/Player.log Windows: C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Free Lives\Second Earth\Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Free Lives/Second Earth/Player.log

Loving it so far, is there any idea of final price and what Store will sell it please? 

(1 edit)

Thank u !

I really enjoyed playing this game. I would like to see hotkeys and the ability to edit them in menu would be great. There is still a bit of optimization and I really look forward to new missions & updates.

P.S: sry for my english, greetings from Belarus!

Coooool thanks so much for playing!

I accidentally clicked on a video on YouTube without knowing what a thrilling game this is. I have downloaded it but it flickers a lot in the options menu. How will it be supported in the future? Will there be patched for manual download? Will it be released on Steam or GOG?

Thanks for playin! Still early days, but we'd love to put it on Steam eventually.

(1 edit)

Game graphics freezes in the second lvl, after playing for a while, happens only on Windows but not Linux. Can't get past that mission, tried different graphic settings (w. and without vsync).
I love the game, played the first 6 levels on Debian but my linux machine was to slow to handle the game, so installed it on Windows, but it crashes. Anyway I can help debug it?

Same here. Windows froze on second level.  

Hey, sorry about the crashes. If you two can post your logfiles here that'd let me see if I can help. ( works well for this)

Mac: ~/Library/Logs/Free Lives/Second Earth/Player.log
Windows: C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Free Lives\Second Earth\Player.log
Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Free Lives/Second Earth/Player.log

The full text is too much for pastebin. 
Here's a portion of the texts. Most of them repeat themselves. Hope this help.

Hrm. It looks like a file permission error. I'll try fix this in the next build, but in the mean time running as administrator might fix it?

Same problem, to big for pastebin, added a viewable file at google-drive:

Just finished current build. Great game. Difficulty just as it should be imho. No bugs found. Feels like complete game already. Great job!

Is this a bug? Since battery is supposed to power turret during sandstorm, right? But I have TONS of surplus (like +500) and TONS of battery power (like 60,000) but when sandstorm comes, all turret were instantly knocked out...

(fortunately I also have 4 garrison on each wall as a backup)

There's a bug with the towers during sandstorms. Sorry this'll be fixed in the next version!

Game is a quite hard and it took me so many tries just to complete Sector V9.

BTW, tried using the terraformer and the fertilizer factory it doesn't seem to work for me.
I have put factory + roads + garage + waste dump + terraformer.
The factory always have a skull in it despite already connected to a waste dump.

(2 edits)

you need oxygen recycler building to produce toxic waist from your community buildings  Also no need waste dump if you use the factory thing for the terraformers 
Edit: It is called oxygen scrubber

(2 edits)

I also had trouble with the last Sector. Eventually I just followed some guy's video on how to beat it. So it is possible.

Oh link for the lazy:

part 1 2 and 3

If you pause the game while the wave is starting you cant unpause it.

Oops, thanks for reporting this.

Sector V9 must be bugged, The wave hasnt started or shown the wave timer even though i set up farm/residency to collect gold. so i sat on it for a while 5-10 mins generating gold. still nothing. 

(2 edits)

Whole game is WAY too hard. The min-max required by this game is great for hardcore strategy enthusiasts, but too taxing for players that aren't willing to pause every available second to maximize resources.

Between waves coming immediately upon starting (third mission onward), to fully charged capacitors not charging defensive structures during dust storms, this game is a grueling, brutal example of poorly balanced game mechanics. 

Yes i do feel like there should be a difficulty setting, i think i was only able to get through this game due to my extensive knowledge of how these types of games work. Difficulty is to high for new comers, but challenging enough (some maps not at all challenging) for the hardcore crowd. 

I tried downloading the game but when I click "start campaign" it doesn't work. (I'm on windows)


Can you post a link to your log file here? Pastebin works well for this.

C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Free Lives\Second Earth\Player.log


Aha. It seems like you were running the game from a network address?

I might be able to fix this bug. But in the mean time I'd suggest copying the files to your local machine and running it from there.

Okay, I will try that. Thanks.


I found that when I click on an element (like the gun turrets to get info) the game does a crash. This is just a FYI, I just need to stop clicking on objects because, Alpha.

Windows 7-64, AMD A8-3850, Radeon HD 6670, 16G ram.

Error is: 4104  Display driver amdkmdap stopped responding and has successfully recovered.

Thanks for letting us know. Sorry about the crash!

(1 edit)

Hey noticed today on the warnings the game gives you for low power etc that you seem to have the Current and Recommended around the wrong way. For instance for power storage it said "current capacity =25,400 recommended capacity=20,800" which would mean i was way over not under.

Huh. That's not supposed to happen. The "show a warning" logic and the "recommended capacity" logic are probably using two different numbers.

I just had the same thing happen to me, 13k current with 8k recommended battery.


Love the game but a few things I would like to suggest
1) Allow road to be able to build over the lava. This allow us to access resource on isles that's too small to be useful.

2) on sector A9 a bit fewer avenue that the bug will attack from would be nice so I can actually access most mines and not be stuck on the bottom left corner

3) have a single-player skirmish mode where play can choose map, and such against the AI would be nice.

Those are all the things I have so far. All in all pretty good game so far. Fairly well balanced and well designed levels other than sector A9 with the lack of sustainable resource mines

Thanks so much for playing and providing feedback!

1) Probably won't do this? I like that you can build power lines over lava but not roads.

2) Do you think that level is too hard? Or frustrating to play?

3) Yeah, other game types are planned. We'll get there eventually :)

1) I know you can build power line over it but islands like the one on the bottom right corner of A9 map where it's too small to build mine, power plant and garage required to make the mine useful is just there for show right now

2) might be just me, but I've tried 5 different times so far. Haven't win once yet.  tested out three different location for base so far: Bottom right corner, mid right side, and center of the map towards top left corner side of the map where all the mine is located

3) good to hear that

also I would like to add maybe allow lava to be a source of power as well.

Amazing, I loved it, but I would love to have a Coop mode, which has two bases in the game in a sandbox together surviving, this would also be epic to have a two player mode, one on each side of the map, where you must survive enemy hordes , who survives longer wins, and in addition to making defenses, can send more enemies to the opponent, something like spending snaps to launch more creature-attracting missile or a "farm" that creates creature eggs and after so long, can being sent (by truck) to a portal, this will spawn a few extra creatures to the opponent, but few, making it difficult, each horde greatly increases the number of monsters and so on.
I know this is hard to do, but it will greatly increase the replayability, if the problem is servers, it could leave for hamachi or other types of online input ways.

Thanks for playing! Cooperative multiplayer was part of the original idea for this game. It's a long way off (many technical challenges need to be solved first) but it's still on the wishlist.

very good however I completed it in an hour or two nothing else to do atleast add skirmish mode to keep us playing 

superb game as usual just finished this second alpha i love the campaign style and the way it plays everything is wonderfully smooth and im happy the electric pylons still zap the bugs in the area i look forward too seeing more of you're wonderful progress.

Hey awesome game (first rts game I actually enjoyed) but on the second area whe you have to place down and connect 3 mines I do that and it does not go away.

Thanks for playing! We'll try fix this.

I wanna buy your game!  add your game into steam!! thx


Please sell this game. I will buy this :)

Why this game is not yet on Steam ?

I would buy day 1 even on Early Access.

Thanks! One day!

Tomorrow or in a year, count me in.

This game in Alpha is already better than many on 1.0,  keep up the good work and when you can please create a Steam page store for the wishlist.

Awesome. I love it.

Very good game! I would love if this game had a multiplayer option (LAN).

Отличная игра, очень приятная графика, начинаю проходить.

Great game, but to hard, cant finish any of the 6th levels... :)

This game is sick! Awesome stuff. Loving it. 


 out of range my screen 60hz and game 90hz and i dont know how change it 


Second Earth.exe has stopped working 
please help 

Sorry about this! Gonna release a hotfix (tomorrow probably?) that'll hopefully address this problem.

A new build is live. Let me know if this fixes your issue.

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