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This game made me ANGRY... I loved the rush, the adrenaline, the intensity, the music.

I have my gameplay right here

I really like the graffiti, the atmosphere and the designs but even on the highest mouse sensitivity settings, i almost couldnt turn around, if i missed an enemy and mostly got killed, cornered somewhere.

Dont know if that helps but im playing on a linux mint 64 desktop pc

: )

i wonder if its playable on controller...

Very fun game, had a lot of fun playing it. Top notch quality :)

(1 edit)

Fun little game! 

Installed with the client. Game works well with ultrawide resolution.
It needs Vulkan to work properly with my 6900XT, using OpenGL everything goes near total dark on any graphics setting higher than the lowest, plus there's no crosshair. With Vulkan everything works perfectly. Siduction, kernel 5.11.6, Mesa git 21.1

Terminal:  ./Anger\ Foot.x86_64 -force-vulkan

woah they updated it, i thought this was a finished project.

It's a really successful game. Congratulations

I was expecting a different shooter but I have come across a hardcore party full of kicks. I found the game great and different.

cool gaem


Ten minutes to beat, short and sweet. Love it! 

The Game is absolutely amazing, super fun to play.

Good job!


Thank you for supporting Linux!
Gonna check this one out

Absolute stormer of a game.  Highly recommend to anyone.

Made a video again

This was SUCH a fun game. I only gave a 8 minute play in this episode but here is my time playing it. Thank you for the game

Holy shit, amazing!! Loved this!

This was really fun. I missed it during the 7dfps jam but it's great to see it now with its beefy update. AF kicks ass! :)

(1 edit)

Awesome game, have some bugs to fix but it's alright.
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Like 3D hotline miami

10/10 would be angry again

Thanks, always be angry!

Simply awesome. We need more games like this: simple and fun.

wow amazing

might be one of the sickest games i played in 2021 so far.

very nice

Thanks so much for playing!

This game is soo good but I cannot seem to donate on this website for some reason :(
Please please release this on steam I'll definitely but it 


Kicking door simulator 10/10 

Amazingly fun game. Had a blast playing through this one. Like a mix between Hotline Miami, Kung Fury and Doom. The physics on the kick (especially when smashing down doors) were so satisfying.

Here's a link to my playthrough if you wanna get my first hand comments: 

Thanks so much for a great experience.

I love it lmao i wish it had more levels or something :D

Deleted 2 years ago

there are chekpoints


Finishing a level is the checkpoint. 

(2 edits) (+1)

A perfect run and gun experience! Using 'lizard men' was a masterstroke for allowing the action to be hard and heavy without ruining the fun tone with gore.

This was way too good to get for free so here's 10 bucks.

Loved this. Very simple mechanics, fluid action and very replayable.

very good game(add more levels)


Made me like kicking doors 10/10


nuclear throne the best !

Excellent aesthetic- totally in your face visuals and music with gameplay that pushes you forward. Kickass, would love to see more.

is this in demo?

Love This Game and the new update is fire

The exhilaration of kicking and destroying is amazing! Very exciting game! Thank you for a fun time.

Brother, this game is hilarious and fun. I have to follow you for more updates because I never enjoyed a free game more than this one!
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