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Absolute stormer of a game.  Highly recommend to anyone.

Made a video again

This was SUCH a fun game. I only gave a 8 minute play in this episode but here is my time playing it. Thank you for the game

Holy shit, amazing!! Loved this!

This was really fun. I missed it during the 7dfps jam but it's great to see it now with its beefy update. AF kicks ass! :)

(1 edit)

Awesome game, have some bugs to fix but it's alright.
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Like 3D hotline miami

10/10 would be angry again

Thanks, always be angry!

Simply awesome. We need more games like this: simple and fun.

wow amazing

might be one of the sickest games i played in 2021 so far.

very nice

Thanks so much for playing!

This game is soo good but I cannot seem to donate on this website for some reason :(
Please please release this on steam I'll definitely but it 


Kicking door simulator 10/10 

Amazingly fun game. Had a blast playing through this one. Like a mix between Hotline Miami, Kung Fury and Doom. The physics on the kick (especially when smashing down doors) were so satisfying.

Here's a link to my playthrough if you wanna get my first hand comments: 

Thanks so much for a great experience.

I love it lmao i wish it had more levels or something :D

Deleted 2 years ago

there are chekpoints


Finishing a level is the checkpoint. 

(2 edits) (+1)

A perfect run and gun experience! Using 'lizard men' was a masterstroke for allowing the action to be hard and heavy without ruining the fun tone with gore.

This was way too good to get for free so here's 10 bucks.

Loved this. Very simple mechanics, fluid action and very replayable.

very good game(add more levels)


Made me like kicking doors 10/10


nuclear throne the best !

Excellent aesthetic- totally in your face visuals and music with gameplay that pushes you forward. Kickass, would love to see more.

is this in demo?

Love This Game and the new update is fire

The exhilaration of kicking and destroying is amazing! Very exciting game! Thank you for a fun time.

Brother, this game is hilarious and fun. I have to follow you for more updates because I never enjoyed a free game more than this one!

how do i pick up weapons???


This is my new favorite game right now. Built really well for speed running. Thank you for the awesome experience!

Just coming back to say thank you devs for adding arrow key movement controls because of that I was now able to complete the game and I had a blast doing so!

Looking forward to any new games you put out or updates to this game in the future <3

Wow,very nice and very addictive,great work.


Very fun, but the biggest problem is I want MOAR.


I always wanted to kick down doors and infiltrate a gang of reptiles! 

This game is the epidemy of indie First Person Shooters.


This game is Just.Plain.Awesome!


One small visual suggestion. If you make the speakers actually vibrate, it will add just that little bit extra oomph :)


OOOH good point


What he said ^

(1 edit)

This game made me shit my pants.. Good game tho!

Thanks, clean up, there will be more on the way. 

Anyone want to beat a full run of 6:56.54? Having fun being a speedy door kicker.

Maybe, when barrels explode, instead of muting all the audio, there could still be a bassy "muffled" sounding track playing (different from the idle state music). Basically, a reason to blow the barrels up even when there's no enemies ;)


Got an issue with the phone level. For some reason none of the textures are loading. I love the game and I'm having fun with it but not being able to see anything makes it hard to play.

Thanks its an error, we will fix it. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Fun game! The aim control feels a bit sluggish, but the game concept is great. I had a blast. This game definitely has good "feel" and crunchiness, and definitely is not as mindless as it looks at first glance (there's definitely a puzzle element to this game, I caught myself planning my route a fair bit).

My feedback is:

- The music is great; I'd love it if the "combat" state lingered a bit longer between rooms.

- The shotgun is a bit underwhelming; I think it deserves more pellets. I found myself missing shots I really should have hit. Maybe buff its aim pellet count, but give it one less shell (to make it a bit less forgiving to "whiff").

- I found myself fumbling around looking for guns with ammo a few times, would be nice if armed guns glowed a little to indicate they had ammo. I wouldn't recommend disabling pickups on empty guns, because sometimes i picked up empty ones to throw them

- There's a bunch of toilet cubicles in level 7 or 8 that have "doors" that can't be kicked. Pls fix ;)

- Maybe, when barrels explode, instead of muting all the audio, there could still be a bassy "muffled" sounding track playing (different from the idle state music). Basically, a reason to blow the barrels up even when there's no enemies ;)

I enjoyed this game enough to come back and buy it after playing for free, even though I finished it. Good stuff!

Game slaps. It is, unapolagetically, what it is, and doesn't try to be more complex than it needs to be. 10/10.

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